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Magyar Magyar

Declaration of Consent

Terms of Use of the images of the image gallery:


The copyright of the images featured in the image gallery on the website operated by Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség Zrt. (hereinafter: Hungarian Tourism Agency) are owned and controlled by the Hungarian Tourism Agency. Digital copies of the images featured in the image gallery may be used and downloaded freely, without alteration and by indicating the source (source:, as per the following:


User: The natural person, legal entity or unincorporated association who/that uses the contents of the image gallery and, thereby, accepts these Terms of Use.


The images are available to the User without charge.


The message or content of or the persons depicted in the images may not be altered by retouching, editing, computer manipulation or by any other means. The User shall fully observe individual and moral rights in the course of publication.


The use of the images for promotional or advertising purposes, furthermore, their automatic, indiscriminate relaying using software or any other means or the mirroring of the website is strictly prohibited.


The User may not use the images to illustrate any other news item or text if this is contradictory to the image’s original message.