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Put your boots on! Have you been to these new lookouts yet?

Festetics LookoutGyenesdiásBalaton

More and more lookout points with fantastic panoramas are opening all over the country. If you organise your trips specifically around lookouts, you’re sure to have some great weekend walks. 

Madárles (Bird watch) Lookout, 2022

The Madárles Lookout, a new attraction of Balatonberény on the Csicsergő peninsula was completed in December 2022. The nine-metre lookout has two levels inside. It stands on a reinforced concrete slab foundation and the upper part is made of sawn pine wood. It was built by Károly Ekler based on plans of architect Alexandra Karlavics. On clear days you can see the Keszthely Bay, the buttes of the northern shore, Badacsony and the Fonyód hills from the upper level. Many bird species find shelter here, so you can also study the wildlife of the coastal reeds from here.

Kecske-hegy Lookout, 2022

You can approach the 14-metre Kecske-hegy Lookout in Fertőrákos, near Sopron, on foot. During the reconstruction the new building with its fully-wooden structure was created by preserving the character of the original, and it offers a panoramic view of Lake Fertő, the Kőhida basin, the Dudlesz forest, the Bécsi Hill, the Virág Valley, Aranyhegy and the city of Sopron. The signs around the edge help to identify the sights.

BalloonFly, 2022

The BalloonFly in Budapest recalls one of the most famous paintings by Pál Szinyei Merse, which takes you back to the idyllic atmosphere of the 19th-century, as well as the hot air balloon, which was an attraction in the City Park 120 years ago. The gas balloon lookout was fixed to the ground here during the renovation of the park section known as Mimóza Hill. The balloon rises in the air according based on a fixed schedule. It can accommodate 15 passengers besides the pilot, and you can fly up to a height of 150 meters, from where you can enjoy a stunning view.  

Festetics Lookout, 2022

You have been able to plan a trip to the lookout point since April 2022. It is a few minutes' walk from Nagymező in Gyenesdiás, but it’s also worth visiting other attractions in the area, with the beautiful nature of winter and spring. The Festetics lookout was returned to hikers after structural renovation, and it offers a wonderful panorama of the western bay of Balaton, Keszthely and the forests of the Keszthely Mountains. 

Lake Naplás Lookout, 2021

The award-winning Lake Naplás Lookout stands in the 16th district of Budapest, and it’s worth visiting because of its special architectural design by Robert Gutowski and partners. The wooden structure almost floats above the triangular concrete block, while inside a double staircase with a hexagonal floor takes you up to the lookout point, from where you can admire one of the capital's last nature reserves. 

Bölcső Hill Lookout, 2021

The structure on the 587-metre-high Bölcső Hill between Szentendre and Pomáz has been renovated after nearly eighty years. The lookout was designed by József Koller, who is known for numerous other structures in the area, and an interesting fact is that the beams were carried up to the hilltop by hand in order to protect the natural environment. The easiest way to get to the Bölcső Hill Lookout, which is only seven metres high, is via the green triangle sign. It’s only 800 metres, but you’ll need proper shoes due to the steep slope. 

Fattyúszerkő Lookout, Csapói Holt-Tisza and Bölömbika Lookout, Ravasz-hát, 2021

These two nine-by-nine-metre lookouts, accessible only on water and boasting a unique wildlife and Europe's most active bird sanctuary, were opened at Lake Tisza in the same year. The towers were named after protected bird species (whiskered tern and Eurasian bittern). You can walk to the Csapói Holt-Tisza lookout on a boardwalk through the reeds, and from here you can have a great view of the Poroszló basin and the Csapói Holt-Tisza.


The Ravasz-hát lookout near Újlőrincfalva is surrounded by a wonderful natural environment, which is overgrown with water weeds. You have to come here by kayak, canoe or SUP, and you can view the Kis-Tisza, Poroszló and Sarudi basins from here.