Béla József Szőcs, the former confectioner of the renowned Gundel Restaurant, is the father of Somlói cake. The featherlight dessert served in a cup got its name from Somlyó Hill in Fót, the creator's birthplace. So, correctly the name would be Somlyó cake, whereas galuska (Hungarian for dumplings) is about as right as calling ice cream galuska, as a single portion of that is torn from the others.
Although there is no doubt that the Somló cakes served at confectioneries can be just as shapeless as a bowl of nokedli. Fate soon intervened with the difficult-to-pronounce name: as early as the World’s Fair one jury member dropped the y from the name of the award-winning Somlyó cake. Therefore, it was eventually included in the annals and thus in international gastronomy as Somlói galuska.