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The “Esterházy code”

Esterházy PalaceFertődSopron region

Enter the “Hungarian Versailles”!  

Near the border of Austria, Fertőd has a must-see sight: Esterházy Palace, often called the “Hungarian Versailles”, envisioned by Miklós Esterházy (Fényes), a renowned member of his family. Upon arrival at the impressive building with 126 rooms, you will find yourself in the breathtaking atmosphere of the 18th century baroque era. Gilded decorations everywhere, very typical of the time, and the elegance is almost palpable. When you spend time in the rococo parlours full of oil paintings, you may have the feeling that you are joining the life of aristocrats. Don’t miss the ball room, the Chinese room and the music room. Just like in the 1700s, the latter hosts many concerts to this day. 

Are you looking for activities for the weekend, a fine confectionery or a wedding venue?

The visitors of Esterházy Palace can choose from a variety of group activities. One of these is called “The tell-tale treasures of the Esterházys”, and includes a tour of the summer dining room, the Sala Terrena, the Haydn room, the Apollo room, the lacquer cabinet and the chapel, while another tour excitingly encompasses baroque theatre history. Beside these indoor activities, there is also a guided tour available to see the park. If you follow the hand fan pattern of the walkways, you will get to the picturesque rose garden. Crossing the courtyard, you can take a look at the former riding school, the museum and the marionette theatre.


Certain rooms of the residence and parts of the courtyard can be rented for weddings, business or family occasions. The courtyard and the park behind are perfect locations for a unique photo shoot. Thousands of flowers, staircases with cupids and fountains provide an amazing setting.


Esterházy Café is not just open during summer months: pastries and speciality coffee is offered on winter weekends as well. You shouldn’t be surprised that Esterházy cake and Esterházy trifle have not lost their popularity over the years. But are these the most delicious desserts? Make it your mission to find out. 


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