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Magyar Magyar

Busójárás24 February - 01 March, 2022




Dear Visitors,


Please be advised that the events and programmes announced on the website will be held depending on the severity of the prevailing pandemic situation. As such, the information in the article serves information purposes only. The organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone such events and programmes. Make sure to visit the events’ official website for the latest news.


Every year, tens of thousands of tourists stream to the town on the Danube to take part in the six-day celebration lasting from Little Carnival to Shrove Tuesday, and plenty of events and activities await visitors in the historic town of Mohács.

From the Island of Mohács, many of the „devils” still come by boat, as the legends say they did before. They then walk to Kóló Square to join the rest, before making their way through the town among the crowds.


The procession takes place to the sound of ringing cattle bells, the stamping of feet, and loud cannon shots booming out in the air, and all the while the busós weave in and out of the crowd, playing their pranks and tricks.


Arriving at Széchenyi Square, a deputation then makes their way to the town hall where the mayor offers them bread, wine, and "busópálinka".


Once they arrive back from the Danube, the free carnival begins. The busós sweep up members of the crowds in the traditional kóló folkdance, while bands of children – the “jánkele” – playfully chase people to the sounds of raucous laughter and shouts of joy. Music, rattles, and the sounds of busó horns fill the air, and more cannon shots are heard, as the horses and carts continue to arrive, laden with more “devils” eager to join in the fun.