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Csontváry17014 April - 16 July, 2023

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Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka (1853–1919) was born 170 years ago. The anniversary is marked by an exhibition jointly organised by the Museum of Fine Arts–Hungarian National Gallery and the Janus Pannonius Museum of Pécs. The displayed material assembled from the two public collections preserving the most important works of the brilliant painter opens within the framework of the Bartók Spring International Art Weeks on 13 April, in the Museum of Fine Arts, where it will run for three months.

An exhibition of Csontváry’s works last opened in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest sixty years ago, in 1963, while in Pécs the works displayed in the Csontváry Museum will be supplemented with pieces from the Budapest collection for the first time.

Guiding visitors through the painter’s one-and-a-half-decade-long oeuvre, the displayed forty-five works, including the almost thirty-square-metre Baalbek and other monumental paintings, provide a complete overview of the main themes and motives in Csontváry’s art as well as of his life.

However his art is interpreted, it is certain that Csontváry is the most original Hungarian painter. He always remained free from established styles and schools, while his peculiar life, his visionary calling, and the virtually miraculous survival of his oeuvre all contributed to the myth that developed around his person.