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Wonderful Art Nouveau and the world’s fourth biggest synagogue

Synagogue Szeged Szeged region

While strolling in central Szeged, you will be amazed by the wonderful art nouveau buildings, which truly mesmerise visitors with their beauty. The New Synagogue captures your heart with cultural programmes, events and a fabulous garden.

It’s no exaggeration to call Szeged the Citadel of Art Nouveau, or Secession, as you can find almost fifty public areas, statues, apartment buildings or palaces built in this style, when you wander around the city centre. The New Synagogue is also a masterpiece of Art Nouveau.

Look up and download

While sightseeing or before dropping by the next café or confectionery shop, make sure to look up at the buildings in central Szeged: the facade of the water tower on Szent István (St Stephen) Square, the onion-shaped cupola of the Ungár-Mayer Palace at the corner of Kárász Street, and the amazing embellishments of the Gróf and Reök Palaces.


Just arrived at Szeged, and no idea where to start exploring the wonders of Art Nouveau? Please note then that guided tours are also available, but there is also an app, Szeged Subotica Art Nouveau to guide you.

Where religion, nature and culture meet

Art Nouveau was a dominant trend in applied and visual arts at the turn of the century, influencing artists like Ödön Lechner or Vilmos Zsolnay.The New Synagogue of Szeged was also built in this style.


It has more than just religious significance: the silence in its beautiful garden reunites the soul with nature. It’s no wonder that the uplifting and special garden attracts admirers from all around the world. But if you prefer events and concerts, it is still the best venue for you: the New Synagogue hosts a number of diverse cultural programmes. Don’t miss it when in Szeged.


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