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The Pécs of the Ottoman era invites you to an exciting trip through time

Mosque Pasha Gazi QasimPécsPécs region

Pécs is considered a town rich in Ottoman architectural heritage compared to other Hungarian towns. Mosques, baths and tombs – all reveal the days gone by. 

Spared mosques

The pale green dome of Mosque Pasha Gazi Qasim is the No.1 symbol of Pécs, and also a compass for tourists. Initially, the mosque standing proudly on Széchenyi Square had been a church, and Pasha Gazi Qasim had it rebuilt as a mosque in the 16th century. During the expulsion of the Turks from Hungary, the battles spared the building, only the adjoining minaret suffered some damage. Later, the Society of Jesus took possession, and transformed it into a Catholic church again. Just stand in the middle of the square, and you will notice that the mosque is a bit askew. It’s no coincidence: the building actually bows towards Mecca this way.

The mosque of Pasha Yakovali Hassan is another Ottoman monument that has remained in decidedly good condition. Moreover, it’s the only one that has withstood time together with the adjoining minaret. Next to the Yakovali mosque, you have the monastery of the Mevlevi dervishes. They are the whirling dervishes, whose ceremony is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. From the rectangular-layout mosque, wooden stairs lead up to the minaret, and inside 87 stairs are take visitors up to the circular balcony. 

The art of bathing

The Ottoman occupation not only left us with artistic and cultural treasures, but also made a marked impression on our culture of bathing. According to historians, three baths were added to the town of Pécs, today, however, only the ruins of one are to be seen, this one is the hamam of Pasha Memi. As you observe tell-tale details, imagine the bath in its original glory: with the ornamented fountain in the entrance hall, resting benches along the walls, domed roof with hexagonal openings letting the light in.

…and a curiosity of Pécs
Idris Baba lived a sacred life, he was closely connected to Allah. His tomb is worth visiting not only for this reason, but also because it is one of the two Ottoman tombs preserved in Hungary. Following Ottoman burial traditions with its dome and centricity, the building has an octagonal layout and unplastered facade. 


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